Monday 6 February 2017

5 Reasons Why Laravel Development is Really Worth the Hype

If one has to evaluate and assess all the trendy frameworks by functionality and features, the codes in each framework, it has to be nothing other than Laravel, the PHP framework which is the best among all. 

It actually came up with its third version even though it had been launched for quite a while. Largely inspired by CodeIgniter, this PHP framework has remarkably matured, presenting a number of unique features. This way it becomes quite easier for the developer to use it for a big project.

Also, it is based on a modular structure and compatible with guest libraries. Moreover, it has made the task easier for the Laravel developer to handle any kind of complex projects with its seemingly simpler coding features and less subtle syntax and but the most important thing is its support for bundles and modules that has turned Laravel one of the best PHP framework. 
The next important aspect is the size of the code. Laravel does feature any never ending lines of code. This is something that prevents initiation of unnecessary processing cycles as well as remarkably saves memory. This is precisely where Laravel stands apart from the rest including ZEND.

Laravel also supplants FuelPHP as it is more compatible with PSR-2. It also accepts Composer system along with third party components. This is something in which FuelPHP still lags behind.
Frameworks are primarily the most essential tools for the creation of applications that respond quickly and operate fast. Therefore, it requires immense consideration as which PHP framework has to be chosen during web development so as to make it a success.

Laravel is considered to be the PHP framework for artisans. In addition to its above mentioned features, this framework some of the most common tasks usually performed such as authentication, sessions and caching, routing and a lot in a simple and easy-to-read syntax. Its readability and documentation is absolutely spot on and most essentially helps Laravel developers to accelerate their coding.

There are many web developers who happen to be terribly slow or inefficient at coding. To avoid the hassles and to make it fast, they often tend to switch from PHP to any other ‘simpler’ language, but due to Laravel, they happen to stay within the PHP framework environment and can code in much simpler manner.
It helps freshers to the world of web development in understanding the functions of MVC. Unlike other frameworks, Laravel is a complete package that have some robust features but lack some other essential ones.

As for instance, Symfony2 offers more subtle features and it seems highly time consuming especially if the project is simply for limited business usage. While other frameworks function on certain limitations, Laravel is elegant, simple and prolific. It includes a wonderful community and a handsome number of extensions. Moreover, it is still quite young as compared to CodeIgniter or any other conventional PHP framework.