Looking forward to launching a Web 2.0 project? Deeply concerned about its future? Well, most of the independent software vendors consider a number of aspects such as future of the project, scope of venture, as well as profitability prior to deciding on an Web technology. So what kind of development team is to be engaged for this type of project. Adobe Flex, Java FX, Silverlight, Rails developers, and the list goes. Considering technologies, each platform has its pros and cons, however, you need to choose the platform according to the project and type of goals you want to achieve. If you are looking to hire Ruby on Rails programmer, the following information would be helpful.
Ruby on Rails is nothing but an open source framework, which despite its simplicity, proves to be extremely effective and powerful. The demand for RoR developers is pretty high in the IT market, considering a number of advantages of framework, such as integrated testing, flexibility of the Model-View-Controller design pattern, less code, etc. The framework is strategically developed to create intricate and complex web application. For example, a new blog engine takes developers no more than 15 minutes, or a search system takes around five.
The community of RoR developers is known for its philosophy. The original form was launched by David Heinemeier Hansson, who created the ground for the first release of Ruby on Rails as open source in July 2004.
For your convenience, following are the two important principles of this framework.
Convention over Configuration (CoC):
Taking this principal into account, most part of configuration data can be deleted by the developers by means of implementing practical conventions that can surely be overruled by configuration, if there is a need to do that.
Don’t Repeat Yourself:
This is a principle of a software development, aimed at reducing repetition several times across different files. For example, if the developers use the Active Record module of Rails, they don’t need to specify database column names in class definition. This specifics can be obtained from the database column based on the class name. This is not only a core principle of Ruby development but also others, as well.
Apart from these two significant principles, developers nowadays consider this third principle to be included into Rail web development environment:
Quick Turn-Around Time:
Using an integrated Web Server and integrated language, web developers expect quick turn around of code changes. This significantly lessens the amount of code-debugging work. Like any other Web application framework, RoR has its own pros and cons. However, if you are looking for rapid web development, then hire ruby on rails developers.
The community of Rails developers has sparked interest of many Web 2.0 companies, consequentially, become the basis for such popular projects, such as Base Camp, CrunchBase, Yellowpages, Twitter, etc.
Ruby on Rails is nothing but an open source framework, which despite its simplicity, proves to be extremely effective and powerful. The demand for RoR developers is pretty high in the IT market, considering a number of advantages of framework, such as integrated testing, flexibility of the Model-View-Controller design pattern, less code, etc. The framework is strategically developed to create intricate and complex web application. For example, a new blog engine takes developers no more than 15 minutes, or a search system takes around five.
The community of RoR developers is known for its philosophy. The original form was launched by David Heinemeier Hansson, who created the ground for the first release of Ruby on Rails as open source in July 2004.
For your convenience, following are the two important principles of this framework.
Convention over Configuration (CoC):
Taking this principal into account, most part of configuration data can be deleted by the developers by means of implementing practical conventions that can surely be overruled by configuration, if there is a need to do that.
Don’t Repeat Yourself:
This is a principle of a software development, aimed at reducing repetition several times across different files. For example, if the developers use the Active Record module of Rails, they don’t need to specify database column names in class definition. This specifics can be obtained from the database column based on the class name. This is not only a core principle of Ruby development but also others, as well.
Apart from these two significant principles, developers nowadays consider this third principle to be included into Rail web development environment:
Quick Turn-Around Time:
Using an integrated Web Server and integrated language, web developers expect quick turn around of code changes. This significantly lessens the amount of code-debugging work. Like any other Web application framework, RoR has its own pros and cons. However, if you are looking for rapid web development, then hire ruby on rails developers.
The community of Rails developers has sparked interest of many Web 2.0 companies, consequentially, become the basis for such popular projects, such as Base Camp, CrunchBase, Yellowpages, Twitter, etc.